Pets in the 21st Century

Border collies are capable of picking up on human gestures. The results of a study in the journal "Animal Cognition" revealed that border collies can be trained to link various human gestures to various objects. According to the study's authors, this aptitude might be used to train dogs to assist people with disabilities. 

The ability to translate dog barks has been developed by scientists. An AI that can translate dog barks into human language was created by a team of Japanese scientists. The AI can now recognize 13 different barks, including those that indicate play, food, and danger. It was trained using a dataset of more than 10,000 dog barks. 

Smart collars now allow dog owners to track their pet's feces. The location, volume, and consistency of your dog's feces can all be monitored using a new smart collar called "PoopTracker." The collar tracks the poop using GPS, an accelerometer, and a built-in scale. 

Robotic fish that can learn to swim like real fish have been created by researchers. Robotic fish that can learn to swim like real fish have been created by MIT researchers. The fish can sense their surroundings because they are fitted with sensors, and they can use this knowledge to navigate and avoid obstacles. 

VR can now be used by pet owners to play fetch with their dog. A brand-new virtual reality game called "Fetch" lets dog owners play fetch with their pet in the virtual world. The game lets players throw a virtual ball to their dog while using a special headset that tracks their movements. 

These are just a few of the most recent stories involving intelligent pets. We can anticipate seeing even more incredible and cutting-edge ways to interact with our furry friends as technology develops.

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