The only animal on earth that values you more than he values himself is a dog.

It is common wisdom that dogs are capable of great love and devotion, and this is undoubtedly true. Being pack animals, they regard their owners as the leaders of their pack. They will stop at nothing to keep us safe because they want to make us happy and please us.

The idea that dogs adore their owners is supported by scientific data. Dogs, for instance, interact with their owners when they release oxytocin, also referred to as the "love hormone," according to studies. The hormone oxytocin is linked to emotions of love, kinship, and trust.

Other ways that dogs express their love to us include wagging their tails, licking our faces, and following us around. They make us feel loved and wanted and are always happy to see us.

It is therefore impossible to say with certainty that dogs love us more than they love themselves, but there is no denying that they do. They really are our closest friends.

Here are a few ways dogs express their affection for their owners:

  • Their tails are wagging. This is an international symbol of joy and excitement.
  • Our faces being licked. This is a gesture of adoration and submission.
  • Pursuing us all around. This indicates that they want to be near us and that they feel secure doing so.
  • Looking right into ours. Building a relationship and trust through this.
  • With us, playing. This is a way for the group to socialize and have fun.
  • Defending us. Dogs will growl or bark at strangers to alert us to a potential threat. If they feel threatened, they might even bite.
  • Helping us feel better when we're sad or ill. Dogs have the ability to read our emotions, and they frequently make an effort to cheer us up when we're down.

Anyone who has ever owned a dog is aware of the love and joy that they can bring into our lives. They are truly incredible beings.

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